November 2019 CCW Meeting Reminder
Apologies for the late posting! Meeting is tomorrow!
Fellow Woodturners, the next meeting of the Classic City Woodturners is Tuesday, November 5, 2019 at The Lyndon House Arts Center, 293 Hoyt St, Athens. The meeting begins at 6 PM and ends around 8:30 PM. The demonstrator for November is Mark Silay. Mark has been to our club many times and is always a big hit. This time Mark will be doing a “hodgepodge” of items for discussion and demonstrating to include a new subject for him; using sapwood in turnings to highlight the light colors especially in ornaments. He will discuss and demonstrate using a pen mandrel for turning Christmas ornaments. And of course Mark will be discussing his slicing techniques that he is known for as well as a discussion on how to sharpen the spindle gouge for wood slicing. We should try and have a large turnout for Mark.
We want to encourage folks to bring something for the Show and Tell part of our business meeting. The importance of the Show and Tell is so members can brag about what they’ve been able to accomplish and provide inspiration to others to try ideas they may not have thought of or thought that they couldn’t do.
It is worth noting that our raffle receipts seem to be down from what we used to get. We need to remind folks that the raffle is one way we get money each month to keep the club going. Dues alone won’t do it. This is why we have the raffle and encourage you to support it.
Remember to bring a quest and bring something for our raffle.
This meeting will be our last for this year as December is when we have the Christmas party. More information forthcoming.