May 2023 CCW Meeting

Fellow Woodturners, the next meeting of the CCW is Tuesday, May 2, 2023 at the Lyndon House Arts Center, 293 Hoyt St, Athens.  The meeting begins at 5:30 PM and ends at 7:30 PM in time to clean up and depart by 8 PM.  If you can, come at 5 PM to help with set up so the meeting can begin on time.  The demonstrator for the month is Vic Frickle, who has show his basket weave at the last couple meetings.  Lots of oohs and aahs.  Be sure to bring something for the raffle and be prepared to pay club dues.  Individual dues are $30 and a family membership is $35.  If you can’t make it to the meeting you can send you dues to Mike Rozier, Treasurer at 175 Hidden Lake Dr, Hull, GA 30645.  See you there.

One Response to “May 2023 CCW Meeting”

  • Wesley Kolar:

    A few months ago I had a very large beech tree come down in my back yard. I hate to see this good wood go to waste and was wondering if any of the club members might want to help themselves to some of it. I also have several large oak stumps that are still in the ground. If anyone is interested, please email me. Please help me put this wood to good use!

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