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Christmas Party time! (2015)

Fellow Woodturners, it’s party time. Our annual Christmas Party is Monday, December 14, 2015 beginning at 6 PM at the Greystone Subdivision Clubhouse, 109 Rockford Drive, Athens. Rockford Drive is off Barnett Shoals Road about 1/2 mile past the intersection with Whitehall Road on the left at the white fence. This is the same place we met last year. The cost is $10 per person. Food and beverages plus beer and wine will be provided. Bring a small gift, a turned item or tool if you want to participate in the gift exchange. This often turns out to be the highlight of the party. Please make your reservation by December 10 so we can ensure enough food and drink are ordered. You can reply to this email or email me at .

New Galleries Added

I have been going through some old pics and noticed that I am WAY behind on updating pics. Click on ‘Gallery‘ at the top of the page for photo galleries. I will add more as I find them. 🙂

November 2015 Meeting Reminder

ReminderFellow Woodturners, Our next meeting is Tuesday, Nov 3, 2015 at the Lyndon House Arts Center, 293 Hoyt St, Athens. As usual, the meeting begins at 6 PM but if you can, come at 5:30 and help with set-up. Our demonstration this month is wooden jewelry making presented by our own Jim Talley! Other jewelry makers in the local area have been invited so lets have a good turn out. His demonstration will include pendants (off-enter, chatter, texture), beads, earrings, and bangles (bracelets). There will be a small display of finished examples, as well.

Lou tells me he hasn’t received any volunteers for Club President or VP even though it is election time for 2016 officers. Someone needs to step up and take one or both of these positions if the club is to continue. Also, if you want to have a club Christmas Party you need to let Lou know with resounding support.

Two more bits of info concerning the Nov 3rd meeting; Lou reminds me that pizza will be served – more incentive to be there! Also, a large oak tree in front of the Lyndon House is being cut down. If you would like to get some of the wood, let Lou know. All it cost is to turn an item for the Lyndon House from a piece of the wood! See you Tuesday!

October 2015 Meeting Reminder

PlannerFellow Woodturners, Our next meeting is Tuesday, October 6, 2015 at the Lyndon House Arts Center, 293 Hoyt St, Athens, beginning at 6 PM. Our demonstrator for the month is Phil Coulson from Highland Woodworking. According to our president, Lou Kudon, Phil is still thinking, but promises to make shavings fly. Phil has demoed for us in the past and always has an outstanding program. Plan on being there at 5:30 PM to help with set up. See you there.

September 2015 Meeting Reminder

MC900432550The next meeting of the Classic City Woodturners is Sep 1, 2015 at the Lyndon House Arts Center at 293 Hoyt St, Athens, at 6pm. Cynthia Gibson, pyrographer is the featured demonstrator. She has previously demoed for our club along with her husband, Mike who is a woodturner. You can check out her work at . This is a popular demonstration and we are fortunate to have her. Make your plans to be there now.

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