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Schedule through November 2015

PlannerWe have a great set of demos coming up for our club. These are some of the best we have had:

August: Ron Brown – How to make Christmas ornaments and demo of new woodturning gadgets. Ron will also bring tools, gadgets to sell. If we buy enough the demo is free so bring your folding cash. Two Boys tree will also be present to sell wood.

September: Cynthia Gibson – Pyrography. Cynthia Gibson is a world renown pyrographer and turner. We are very lucky to arrange this return engagement. Do not miss!!

October: Phil Coulson – From Highland Woodworking. Phil is a great demonstrator and never fails to entertain and educate.

November: Jim Talley – Our own Jim Talley will Demonstrate how to make jewelry from turnings. We are going to open up this meeting to our jewelry making friends. This should be an exciting unique meeting.

Hope to see you at these meetings. Remember our meeting date is at 6:00 on the first Tuesday of the month at the Lyndon House.

No July 2015 CCW Meeting

We will not be having a July meeting. Check back next month!

June 2015 Meeting Reminder

PlannerFellow Woodturners, our next meeting is Tuesday, June 2, 2015 at the Lyndon House Arts Center, 293 Hoyt St, Athens. The meeting begins at 6 PM. Alan Noel, a professional wood finisher, will be our featured presenter. Alan has an amazing knowledge about finishes and their application. Bring your questions and problems and Alan will provide answers and solutions. Don’t forget to bring items for the raffle.

Southern States Symposium, 2015

Southern States Woodturning Symposium
May 15 -17, 2015

Just wanted to let everyone know that due to problems with our on-line registration, On-line Registration has been extended to May 10 and Early Registration has been extended to May 15.

Clarence Brown Conference Center, Cartersville, GA

Featured Demonstrators:
Soren Berger, Chris Ramsey, Avlino Samuel, Kimberly Winkle

Additional Demonstrators:
Steve Pritchard, Steve Cook, Nick Cook

Visit the website at

This event is listed under our calendar to the right, but the link has stopped working (it gives a 404 error). The calendar seems to have been broken with the latest update.

May 2015 Meeting Reminder

ReminderOur next meeting is set for Tuesday May, 5, 2015 beginning at 6 PM in the Lyndon House Arts Center, 293 Hoyt St, Athens.  Our demonstrator for the month is Frank Bowers.  He will be turning a tri-cornered box from a cube. Frank has a great deal of expertise in turning and turning tools and will not only present an excellent demo but can answer almost any turning question you can come up with.  Come at 5:30 PM if you can to help with set up.  If you haven’t paid your dues by now you are delinquent.  Time to pay.  $30 for an individual membership or $35 for a family membership.

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