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Sheep to Shawl

The Statham Sheep to Shawl event will be held on April 11th.  Jenny Vosmeier Buley has contacted us about doing a demo from 10am-3pm.  We have demonstrated at this event in the past and everyone enjoyed watching us turn.  If you are interested, contact me at and I will give you her contact phone number.  Volunteer, folks!! 🙂

April 2015 Meeting Reminder

MC900432550Fellow Woodturners, Our next meeting is Tuesday, April 7, 2015 at the Lyndon House Arts Center, 293 Hoyt St, Athens.  The meeting begins at 6 PM but come at 5:30 PM to help with setup.  And to introduce the evenings activities, from our Club President, Lou Kudon:

To send out to our group:

“Our next woodturning meeting should be something special. We will discuss woods for turning. In addition we will have a wood vendor in attendance (bring money if you want to buy wood) and Mark Sillay, a renowned turner will demonstrate. And as an added bonus we will have a wood quiz. Ten types of wood will be set out and there will be prizes for those who can identify them all. So make sure you make this meeting.”

If you want to pre-order any thing from our wood vendor check out their web site .  If you haven’t paid your 2015 dues now is the time.  Individual dues are $30 and family dues are $35 – a real bargain.  We look forward to seeing you there.


March 2015 Meeting Reminder

PlannerFellow wood turners, Our next meeting is Tuesday, March 3, 2015 at the Lyndon House Art Center, 293 Hoyt St, Athens. Our meeting begins at 6 PM, but help is needed at 5:30 PM to help with set up.  Our demonstration for the month is tool sharpening.  There will be several sharpening systems there and demonstrated.  Following the demonstrations you will be able to sharpen up to two of your own tools and try them out on the lathe.  Another feature for this meeting will be Ken Rizza of Wood Turners Wonders.  Check out his web site at to read about Ken and the sharpening items he has available.  Don’t forget the raffle and bring your contributions.  Also, if you didn’t pay your club dues last month, please bring them with you this month.  Individual dues are $30 and family dues are $35.  See you there.

*** A reminder to bring turning tools to sharpen at this meeting after demos on how to do it.  Also, I am now told that Ken Rizza from Woodturners Wonders will also sharpen as many tools as he can.

February 2015 Meeting Reminder

ReminderAll, The Classic City Woodturners will meet on Tuesday, February 3 at the Lyndon House Art Center at 6pm.  The demonstration will be pen turning with club members Bill Van Wie, Jim Talley and others.  Dues for 2015 will also be collected.  Remember that individual dues are $30 and family are $35.  Please plan on being there and supporting your woodturning club.

No January 2015 Meeting :(

There will not be a CCW meeting in January 2015.

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