April 2023 CCW Meeting

Fellow Woodturners, the next meeting of the CCW is Tuesday, April 4, 2023 at the Lyndon House Arts Center, 293 Hoyt St, Athens. The meeting begins at 5:30 PM and ends at 7:30 PM in time for clean-up and out by 8 PM. If you can, come early (5 PM) to help with set-up so the meeting can begin at 5:30. The demonstrator for the meeting is Mark Sillay (www.marksillay.com). His demo will be how to make a three-part vase featuring: gallery ready finish between centers; perfectly fitting insert collar; ball to ball construction and a bonus finial to disguise the vase as an art object. Mark will have some camphor wood, Norfolk Pine and other wood blanks for sale. Some have asked for an address to send their membership dues if not able to attend the meeting in person. Please send to Mike Rozier, 175 Hidden Lake Dr, Hull, GA 30645. Dues are $30 individual or $35 for family per calendar year. Remember to bring something for the raffle!
March 2023 CCW Meeting

Fellow Woodturners… Finally, a meeting is planned for Tuesday, March 7, 2023 at the Lyndon House Arts Center, 293 Hoyt Street, Athens! The meeting begins at 5:30 pm and ends by 8:30. If you can, come earlier to help with setup. We would like to have a good turnout to show support for the future of the club. New leadership is still needed so, we hope that this time-out has prompted someone to come forward to fill these positions. This meeting is hopefully a new start and a foretelling of future meetings. To show support, we plan to begin collecting dues and establish a new membership of faithful followers. We also plan a raffle to help provide funds for future demonstrators. So, remember to bring something for the raffle. Also, remember to bring something you have turned during this long layoff for the show-and-tell. Look forward to seeing you there!
December 2022 Meeting Canceled
Fellow Woodturners, I regret to inform you that the scheduled December 6, 2022 meeting of the CCW has been cancelled due to health issues of the demonstrator, Ken Rizza.
Reply requested! (Oct meeting opportunity)
Update: The October meeting has been canceled. The demonstrator will not be able to attend due to unforeseen circumstances. The November meeting has been canceled, as well, due to the Lyndon House being used for voting during that time.
Fellow Woodturners, we are trying to get Ken Rizza from Woodturners Wonders to demo at our next meeting in October. Ken Riza always does an interesting demo.
Woodturners wonders has great products including CBN grinding wheels and accessories. We can order any items on woodturnerswonders.com. We will get 10% off the website price plus no shipping plus the club will get 20% of the order in the form of gift certificates that we will give away during club raffles. This is a great deal. If you are interested, please email me (lkudon@gmail.com) with the items you want. I will put the order together and send it to Ken.
Ken will also have his air filtering system at $1100 which is a big discount from the web price.
This will be a great meeting with an auction of a bowl by Lynn Reece and a collection of top-notch turning books given away at the raffle.
If we can’t put together an order of about $1500 for all our members together then the deal is off.
September 2022 CCW Meeting

Fellow Woodturners, the next meeting of the CCW is Tuesday, September 6, 2022 at the Lyndon House Arts Center, 293 Hoyt St, Athens. The meeting begins at 5:30 PM and concludes about 7:30 PM in time for cleanup and depart by 8 PM. The demonstrator for the meeting is our own Jim Underwood demonstrating how to turn a mini birdhouse. Hope you can make it.