November 2012 Meeting Reminder
The regular monthly CCW meeting will be Monday, November 26th at Clarke Central HS in the Construction Technology Lab. Remember that at this meeting you will be voting for the 2013 Officers. The nominating committee gave us the following slate:
President – Lou Kudon
Vice President – Charles Armentrout
Treasurer – Rob Price
Secretary – Justin Reese
Nominations from the floor will be entertained if the nominating member has determined that the nominee is willing to serve as witnessed by at least one other member if the nominee is absent.
The demonstrator for the month is member Jim Talley. His program will be on the use of epoxies mixed and impregnated into various woods including burls, fractured wood and other situations where there may be voids in the piece of wood. He will focus on safety in turning and the mixing of epoxies, which epoxies can be used and the need to maintain sharp tools when turning wood impregnated with epoxies. He will not be mixing epoxies due to time constraints and other factors, but he will have several items in various stages of prep and will demo turning of a piece of impregnated wood into the final item. There will be a handout that will provide basic info on epoxies and where supplies can be obtained.
The fourth bowl challenge, an enclosed curve with a rounded bottom, will be critiqued by Jim Underwood.
The details of the Christmas Party will be presented. Look forward to seeing you there.