February 2013 Meeting Reminder
The regular monthly meeting of the CCW is Monday February 25, 2013 at Clarke Central HS Technology Lab. The meeting begins at 6 PM. If you would like to meet the demonstrator, Frank Bowers, early,he will be at Jason’s Deli on Alps Road at 4:45 PM for dinner. His program for February will include methods for holding bowls and other items that are not turned between centers. He will demonstrate methods for mounting green bowl blanks using a chuck with a screw. He will also include alternative methods such as face plates and how to do this safely. He will then turn a green bowl that has been mounted. He will discuss drying methods for green or wet bowls followed by finish turning a rough turned bowl that has been allowed to dry.
Don’t forget that 2013 dues of $30 per individual or $35 per family are now due. Bring your check book or cash.