October 2014 Meeting Reminder

A few reminders are in order:
- Election of 2015 club officers is coming. We still need someone for president and vice president.
- We need demonstrators for the North Georgia Folk Festival at Sandy Creek Park on October 11.
- Continue to make Christmas ornaments for our club sale on October 25 at the Lickskillet Artist Market. Proceeds go to The Food Bank of North East Georgia. You can also sell your own turned items at this event as long as you agree to work at the club table.
- We need help at the Lyndon House Harvest Festival on October 23 9:30 AM till 1 PM teaching youth about the crafts, tools and techniques of yesteryear.
- The club Christmas party is set for Monday, December 15 at the same place as last year. We had a great time, plenty of food, and free beer and wine. Also, an ornament exchange was fun for some but not all.
Refer to the club website at www.classiccitywoodturners.com for complete info on all these events as well as other news.