January 2020 CCW Meeting Reminder

Fellow Woodturners, the next meeting of CCW is Tuesday, Jan 7, 2020 at The Lyndon House Arts Center, 293 Hoyt St, Athens.  The meeting begins at 6 PM and concludes around 8:30 PM. Marvin Payne, one of our own, will be demonstrating for our January meeting. He will be turning a natural edge wing bowl with discussion on a cut rim bowl as well as techniques and proper tool presentation, sharpening, etc. 

Remember to bring a guest and something (wood) for the raffle. Charlie Armentrout will be bringing some apricot wood. 
Also, be reminded that this is a new year and dues are due.  Individual dues are $30 annually and a family membership is $35 – a real bargain.

One Response to “January 2020 CCW Meeting Reminder”

  • John Nicholson:

    Hey guys,
    I have a few gallon of anchor seal more then 2 that I brought from Wi when I moved here and I am not going to be useing it anymore so if you would like to have them for your raffles I would be happy to give them to you if you would like to pick them up. Let me know and I will give you my address just outside of Athens.

    John Nicholson

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