Happy New Year!! (January 2017 Meeting Reminder)
I am pleased to announce that our demonstrator for January 3, 2017 meeting will be Frank Bowers. Frank was scheduled earlier in 2016 but conflicts prevented this from happening. We are fortunate to have him for our January meeting. We need a big turnout. The meeting will be at 6pm at the Lyndon House.
Frank has demonstrated at our club before and as most turners know he is an instructor in various places in Atlanta and also has numerous YouTube videos. I have participated in some of his classes and he is very good as an instructor and demonstrator.
For our January meeting we have arranged for him to do two projects. The first will be turning a 7-8” long hollow vessel from a 4’ square piece of Ambrosia maple. The vessel will be hollowed without the need of hollowing tools. He has this on YouTube if you are interested in seeing it; however seeing this in person will be much better at our club meeting. When he gets through you will not find a glue line.
The second project will be turning a small three corner bowl from a piece of cherry. This second project itself will be special.
We have a full schedule for this meeting and promise to keep the business part of the meeting short so we can get all of this in. I challenge each person to come and bring a guest. Invite someone you know even if they do not do woodturning; bringing guests is the ideal way to get our club out in front of more people and build up our membership. A large turnout would be great.
Plan on being there and plan on bringing a guest and a piece of wood for the raffle. Also note that dues for 2017 are due. 2017 will be a good year. I have lined up many excellent demonstrators and we need to get members and their guests to our meetings and make a good showing. Let’s get this year started off with a bang.
-Charles S. Armentrout