August 2017 CCW Meeting Reminder
Fellow Woodturners,
For our August 1, 2017 meeting of the Classic City Woodturners, we will have Jim Kall as our demonstrator. Jim is a relatively new member to our club having relocated from south Florida about a year and a half ago. He was a member of the Gold Coast Woodturners for about 12 years. He demonstrated many times for his club in Florida and he has volunteered to do demonstrations for our club and we have gladly taken him up on the offer.
Jim will be making his long neck vase. We need a good turn out. Typically this time of year turnout is light, so for this meeting we will have pizza and soft drinks provided by the club. I am a firm believer in the saying “if you feed them they will come”; at least I think that is how it goes. Make sure to be there for free eats and to see Jim in action. Bring a friend and guest. Also bring something for the raffle.
Come early (5:30 PM) to help with setup and enjoy the pizza and soft drinks. We meet at the Lyndon House Art Center, 293 Hoyt St, Athens. Usual start time is 6 PM and finish by 9 PM following clean-up.