June 2019 CCW Meeting Reminder
Fellow Woodturners, our next meeting is Tuesday, June 4, 2019 at the Lyndon House Arts Center, 293 Hoyt St, Athens from 6 PM until 8:30 PM. For our June meeting we have planned a hands-on demonstration involving sharpening and turning on the lathe. Marvin Payne will be heading this up with assistance from Jim Tally, Jim Underwood and Charlie Armentrout. Both Jim Tally and Jim Underwood have agreed to assist in this program and Jim Underwood and Charlie will bring their grinders with Wolverine jigs plus we will have the Club’s grinder and jig set up. Marvin will discuss wood mounting techniques, turning with various tools, reversing a bowl to remove the foot and other aspects.
We plan on having at least three sharpening stations manned by Jim, Jim and Charlie and Marvin manning the lathe and doing most of the discussion. Discussion will center not only on sharpening but turning techniques. We hope to get lots of questions and discussion from attendees.
This program is not going to be one where attendees get to sit in the chairs and watch. We want participation from the attendees and expect interested persons who want to learn to actually bring a couple of tools so we can assist them in sharpening them and then assist them in actually using their tools. Experienced turners in attendance can also help and assist others. We are trying to have a truly hands-on experience from attendees.
Attendees should be expecting to sharpen and turn and not just sit back and look pretty in the audience. Remember to bring your tools that you want to sharpen and use, bring some wood for the raffle and bring a guest. This should be a great opportunity for your quest to get to actually try turning; and not just watch.