Author Archive

September 2016 Meeting Reminder

MC900432550The next meeting will be September 6 at 6:00pm in the Lyndon House. We will have Hal Simmons demo. We are lucky to get Hal as he is an excellent teacher and in demand. He will do a demo on ornaments. We hope to see you there!

Since we did not collect dues this year we are struggling. If you have not contributed to the club this year please donate $10.00 so we can round out the year with nice meetings in October and November.

August 2016 Meeting Reminder

PlannerIn this demo Mike Peace will demonstrate several small spindle projects each with their own different method for chucking: pill boxes, light and fan pulls, and knobs or chess men.
The meeting will be on August 2nd, 6pm at the Lyndon House.

June 2016 Meeting Reminder

ReminderTwo months in a row! We are again meeting in June at the regular time and place – Tuesday, June 7th, 6 PM at the Lyndon House Arts Center. The demonstrator will be our own Jim Talley showing and telling how to turn platters. Plan on being there.

Justin Reese, Secretary

May 2016 Meeting Reminder

MC900432550We will be having a meeting on Tuesday, May 3rd, at 6pm at the Lyndon House Arts Center. Mark Sillay will be demonstrating. Please join us!

No January 2016 meeting :(

There will be no meeting 1/5/2016, as we are still in need of officers to do the scheduling.

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